Candescent Cadet

A generous kin member who understood my cosmetics obsession kindly sent me a cloak with a unique design which I had only seen rarely and I had to make an outfit with it. The challenge with this outfit was the amber colour of the squares on the cloak couldn’t be obtained via dye and after trying numerous pieces of armour in sienna, rust, orange and gold I decided it the challenge was on. The best I could seem to do was find pieces of armour that didn’t have the yellow-gold effect (which many do) and in doing so I found some fantastic gold and black pieces to use in another outfit also which I’ll get working on next week.

A lot of the cosmetics pieces from Dunland are not just from one quest and are repeated in a number of quests while you’re levelling to 75, from one character you can get 90% of all the new cosmetic pieces from Dunland. You can check out Devonna’s Guide to the RoI quest rewards to see where else the same cosmetic pieces can be picked up (and they will be named differently).

The helm was something I won on the Auction House and at first I used the Battle-mask of Rhun from the store for this piece but as I stated the cloak squares are more amber than the yellow-gold, but It also works pretty well I just wanted more of a ‘helm’ than a mask for the warrior feel in my screenshots. The Light cloak of Evasion is a cloak which won’t be expensive on the Auction House if you come across it due to It not being too fantastic in stats, and with everybody wearing the lovely gold Draigoch cloaks nowadays I’ve come across the cloak a lot on the Auction House recently.

Long yappy post so I will leave it here and say I am hard at work levelling and should only post once a week since i’m busy questing and levelling a tailor again (yay!). Below is the first time I tried this outfit using the Battle-mask of Rhun from the Lotro Store, I will leave it to you to decide your preference but I’m thinking of using it for my next update.


Head: Gleaming Helm of Determination [Level 75 World Drop, Heavy] ~Black~

Shoulders: Hyrde-Axle [Quest Reward –  Vol lll Bk 4, Ch 10.] ~Black~

Back: Light Cloak of Evasion [Level 75 World Drop] ~Black~

Chest: Dwarf Leather Jacket [Medium Armoursmith – Thorins Hall] ~Black~

Hands: Scout’s Weathered Leather Gloves [Quest Reward – Dunland] ~Black~

Legs: Elven Steel Leggings [Heavy Armoursmith – Rivendell] ~Black~

Feet: Burnished Dunlending Chain Boots [Quest Reward – Dunland] ~Black~


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